Greetings once again fellow friends! It’s time for another update of the week from our teams. It seems like our teams had another eventful week. Without further ado, let’s move on to the updates shall we?:)
On 4th December, Clarity came back to the Documenters with more updates on the script but it was only 2 days later our Documenters could meet up with the Clarity staff to clarify (eh hehe get it? Clarity and Clarify?... We are sorry for our excessive love of puns) what exactly were the doubts on Clarity’s part and how they wanted the script to be tweaked to suit the mental health messages they wished to advocate through the drama production. The meeting was indeed intensive but also very mind opening as it allowed the Documenters to understand what changes should be made to give the plot a fresher and realistic viewpoint of how someone struggles with mental health issues and what were the possible lessons that the audience could take away.
The finalised script deadline was on 8th Dec and they only had two days to complete the script.
With no time to waste, the Documenters went full speed ahead on the 7th and 8th Dec. They put their full efforts into revamping the script in K510 with Clarity’s comments and suggestions in mind. Not all of them could be there at certain times and hence, they had to make do with the lesser manpower. However, after gruelling hours(many were dead in the process), they were able to finish the script on time. It was also on 7th Dec that they got an earful from Saras. They realised that they haven’t been juggling our jobs as documenters and scriptwriters well(*sigh*). Therefore, with a strong determination, team Documenters(that’s us if you don’t know that already!) decided to set up a blog(the blog you guys are reading to be exact) on 8th Dec which aims to bring justice to the work the different teams have done as they are able to better document down the different groups’ hard work.
Next up on our list, we have the Logistics team(the hidden warriors!) who checked with Publicity in regards to their preferences of their poster and flyers design dimensions. They also checked with the Programme and Finance team and Product Sponsorship team on what they needed for the Experiential Learning and Exhibition booths. They sent out emails to various printing companies based on their specs for quotation(Wow this sounds complicated!) and chose the cheapest companies that got back to them for the event’s printing necessities.
As for Product Sponsorship, they have been busy liaising with the whole committee in regards to the t-shirt design(which was beautifully designed by our Publicity team). They gave them two options on the t-shirt design for the event. One of the two options were whether they wanted a black and white design(which would be cheaper) and the other option was to have the design in colour(which would be more expensive). The whole committee ultimately decided on having a coloured design for the shirts and they managed to secure a partial sponsorship to get the t-shirt at a much cheaper price at the end(*around of applause for our Product Sponsorship team please*). They also collected the items for the goodie bags in preparation for the event which you can only know if you attend;)
In addition to Documenters’ meeting with Clarity, Programme and Finance team as well as Publicity met up with the Clarity staff to clarify some of the questions they had. The Programme and Finance team asked questions in regards to the claiming of funds as they will have to handle the finances portion in time to come. They also sent the needs assessment document alongside other various documents such as the budget list and what they have prepared for their static experiential booths to Clarity to vet through and comment on. Towards the end of the week, they refined the needs assessment based on the comments made by Clarity. Furthermore, they had to brainstorm for a social media campaign(make sure to stay tuned to know more about this campaign:D) idea as part of team Clarity’s movement to raise awareness of mental health among youths as well as to publicize our event.
Alas, we come to our final team, Publicity. Once again, Publicity met up with Clarity and showcased some of their draft posters as well as to discuss some of the publicity ideas they had to help spread the word about the event. Through this discussion, they were finally able to clarify and finalise the publicity initiative.
Whew! Another week of a long list of updates done! Be sure to look forward to next week’s update as we officially start rehearsals. See ya on the next post!