Week 14: Dear Juniors
Well…this is it…the last weekly blog update from us. One can understandably assume that much work have been done to prepare for Unspoken....
Event Day: It's A Wrap!
Hello! Were you there for the greatest event last weekend?! And if we had not been that clear enough the past 15 blog posts about what...
Week 13: The Final Showdown (ft. RNR and the Health Belief Model)
What should be a good way to start off the last week running up to Unspoken? An exam?! Hmmmmm…one exam only? How about two? One on...
Where's my credits?! #ourspokenstories
“You do not really want to interview me…I am going to give politically incorre-” “No please carry on,” I interrupted my classmate, David...
Week 12: Ticking Clock, Taking Stock
Hello fellow readers! This week passed at an insanely fast pace. We are just a week away from Unspoken and organising this event has...
We are what again?!?! #ourspokenstories
“I am going to release it slowly to you” were the very last words heard, before a bolting shock struck the hearts of both Genevieve and...
Slaving For The Production #ourspokenstories
Hello fellow readers! Happy New Year! We would very much like to forget that it’s 2018, because that would mean we would have less than 2...
Week 11: Shorter Yet Undaunted
Hello to all our lovely friends! You may be wondering how have we been doing? You may now be wondering are we still breathing through the...
Week 10: Time for the Holidays? Not For Us
What’s up? Hope you all didn’t wait too long for our updates! Good news because there has been so much going on! Even though it was our...
Week 9: The Pieces are Coming Together
Hey Hey! It’s time for another weekly update again! This week is where you will get to read about how everything is coming together...
Week 8: Getting Feedback
Greetings once again fellow friends! It’s time for another update of the week from our teams. It seems like our teams had another...
Week 7: Overcoming Obstacles
Hello everyone! The weeks are going by so fast! The anticipation is high as our auditions for our drama production starts this week!...
Week 6: Excitement is in the Air
Heyy guys!! Welcome back to our blog! Hope you guys enjoyed reading our previous posts, and if you’re new, welcome to our blog post!! :)...
Week 5: We Meet Deadlines
Hello everyone it’s that time of the week again! Another exciting update from our 5 teams who are working hard in preparation for the...
Week 4: Planning and Gaining Knowledge
Greetings again! Pretty sure you have been wondering what shenanigans we have been up to? With the confirmation of our event ideas, the...